Sunday, March 11, 2018

Brielle Turns FIVE

Brielle turned 5 the end of January. What a joy to celebrate her!

Brielle has a sweetheart personality. She is my quietest child, and she also has a big heart of compassion. She runs to help anyone who gets hurt, and she dislikes when people are unhappy, so she nearly always accommodates them, even if it means giving up something she wanted. She is very motherly. It is always hard for me to say what her favorite things are, but truly, I think that's because her favorite thing is people. She loves people, and she always wants to be with them. She wants to do whatever the people around her want to do, because that's what makes her happy. 

Funny/Sweet Things:
- "I'm going to get a soup and a cracker for you for Mother's Day and a chocolate for daddy for Mother's Day." (yes, she said mother's day both times haha!)
- "You're anking my hair!" 
- "Grandma, your fridge is sinking again!" (she meant leaking haha!)
- "We're going to cut up the chubbiest watermelon."
- Whenever she has the hiccups, she says, "I have the hook ups!"
- After burping, she told me, "My stomach doesn't hurt anymore now that I got my excuse out of my throat."
- "Mommy, I'm going to live with you forever."

We don't do any formal pre school work. She has learned how to write her whole name now, simply from seeing me write it. She also can write all of her sisters' names and mom, dad, and Ben. When we read stories and she sees two of the same word on a page, she always asks me what the word is. It's been a joy to watch her learn, as I haven't pushed anything. It's incredible to see how their own curiosity pushes them to ask questions and discover learning.

For her birthday, I decided to do things a little differently. She loves people, and she especially loves all her extended family. But I didn't really feel like planning a birthday party. I decided, instead, that we would visit all of her family members on her birthday! We began our day by opening gifts at breakfast. At lunchtime, we went to her favorite restaurant to eat, and then we started our rounds. We first visited Aunt Nikki at the bank. I asked each of the family members to forego gifts but to get her a balloon. I thought it would be fun for her to have a bouquet of balloons at the end of the day. After visiting Aunt Nikki and getting her balloon, we went on to visit Aunt Brianna and Aunt Brittany at their jobs, and then we went to my mom's house, where she got to see all her cousins whom my mom was babysitting. We sang to her there, and we cut and ate her cake. After that, we went to visit Uncle Nate and Aunt Kelly and cousins at their house. We ended our day at her other grandparents' house with dinner and her final balloon (and some flowers!). It was a really fun (but long!) day, and Brielle really enjoyed all of the special attention.

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Loves: family, her blanky, eating, taking care of her little sisters, making people happy

Dislikes: being left out, saying good byes

What's your favorite food? Apples and bananas
What's your favorite thing to play with? My bow and arrow that I got for my birthday
What's your favorite movie or show? My favorite show is Puffin Rock. My favorite movie is Little House on the Prairie 
What's your favorite song? Away in a manger
What"s your favorite verse? The Lord is my shepherd
What's your favorite book? The Going to Bed Book
What's your favorite color? Yellow, like my Mommy
What's your favorite Bible story? The ten men went to Jesus because they were really sick, for Jesus to heal them. One man went back to Jesus to thank him for healing them.
What do you like to do with Sophie? My favorite thing to do is to play house.
What do you like to do with Lyla? Jump on the couches and the bed and to take the pillow cushions off
What do you like to do with Violet? Play house
What do you like to do with Daddy and Mommy? I like to hug Mommy and Dada
What do you want to do when you get older? Get a phone
Okay, what do you want to BE when you get older? I want to be a vet
What's your favorite animal? Kitties and goats and all the animals in the world
Who are your best friends? Emma and Jaeda and Khloe and Bowen 
What makes you happy? Watching a movie and playing
What makes you sad? When someone throws something at me
What are you really good at? Doing my bow and arrow



  1. Hi, I'm Missy. I haven't said much to you yet. I teared up a few times during this post, simple and beautiful. I love the way you take a moment to focus on your children. I love the warm and simple whites in the style of your home. This inspires me to write down what my kids say more often. I don't know much about your back story yet, but I have 4 kiddos so when I get a sec I look at your Insta page. Found you through Charlotte mason etc. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thank you for the note <3 I do these posts because I love having them for my own record, but I always love hearing that others enjoy them too! I don't find time to write down as much as I used to... but I try to still do it as much as possible because I know older me will be so glad I did! Four kids makes these days go so fast, huh?! Thanks for reaching out and saying hi!

  2. This is a lovely baby girl. Its smile is going to fascinate everyone. Keep sharing the nice post. Remove Black Magic Expert in Dehradun

  3. The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

    “When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”

    “The gospel of Jesus is not a rational concept to be explained in a theory of salvation, but a story of God’s presence in Jesus’s solidarity with the oppressed, which led to his death on the cross. What is redemptive is the faith that God snatches victory out of defeat, life out of death, and hope out of despair.”
    - James H. Cone
