Monday, August 22, 2016

Violet Ruth: The Name

I have never found it hard to name our girls, even though we had three in a row. Girl names are easy for me, and there are quite a few I like. In fact, with all of my pregnancies, we have always had a girl name and been unsure about a boys name. However, with this baby, we had a boy name... but no girl name. I thought this baby was certainly a boy, so I didn't even look at girl names. And then we went to our ultrasound and found out that we were having a girl!

All of the back-up girl names that we have had before didn't seem right, so I was back to looking at name lists. And we narrowed it down to three names... all ones that had never been on our lists before. The three names were Scarlett, Iris, and Violet. Ben didn't have a preference between the three. As I thought over the names, Iris was the first I crossed off. I just liked the other two better. For a week, I thought I was going to go with Scarlett. I really love the name, but in the end, it just wasn't right. First, we already have a Sophie, and I never wanted two names that started with the same letter. Second, Scarlett is becoming quite popular, which I don't particularly have a problem with (we have a Sophie!), but I liked that I don't know any Violet's. So Violet it was!

When it comes to first names, we just choose a name we like. We do look at name meanings, but we don't choose a name because of the meaning. I have found that I like older names, so I looked at names from the early 1900s to get ideas. Violet just means flower, and it's a color, so there's nothing particularly special about the meaning of her first name. We simply think it's a beautiful name that fits our style :)

As for middle names, we like it to either be a family name or a Biblical name. We have honored both sides of the family as well as our Christian heritage with the middle names of our other daughters, so we could really go any route we wanted to this time. We chose Ruth as it honored both. Ruth was my great grandmother's name. I did know her growing up, although not real well. Her daughter, my grandma Dottie, is very special to me. Ruth is also the name of a very special and important lady in the Bible. Ruth was a lady who was faithful, selfless, compassionate, obedient, and bold. So many characteristics I pray my sweet Violet embodies. Though Ruth was once an enemy of God, she chose to follow him in the midst of difficult, heartbreaking, and life-changing circumstances. Ruth was rewarded for her faithfulness, as she became a foremother in the line of Jesus. God's kindness is so evident in Ruth's life, and I pray his kindness will woo our sweet girl's heart as well. I pray she will love the Lord with all her heart, soul, and mind, that she will go wherever the Lord calls her, and that she will trust and obey him no matter the circumstances. 

1 comment:

  1. Having a child is easier, but thinking of a name is a difficult task. A name will be the personal identity of your child till the end of his or her life. Best wishes and prayers for your girls.
